D & E Services

Financial Analysis
- Financial reporting
- Bank reconciliations
- Key Performance Indicators

- Payroll requirements
- Analyzing financial statements
- Government remittances
- Undertaking cash flow analysis

Business Consulting
- Succession planning
- Business acquisition
- Business financing
- Business valuation

Tax Preparation & Planning
- Tax planning and consultation
- Tax returns
- Income tax planning
- Asset protection

Management Advisory
- Payroll services
- Investment accounting
- Trusts & Charitable entities
- Executor services

Business Entity Selection
- Cash collection
- Effective payment policies
- Obtaining appropriate lines of credit
- Personal financial calculations
Our Specialties
Our exceptional team of high-performing professionals has had the pleasure of working with a vast number of entrepreneurs across many industries. In doing so, we have learned from all our clients’ related experiences and received the opportunity to share our knowledge with our clients.
We enjoy taking on new challenges, utilizing these ongoing learnings and insights to develop new cutting-edge services to support our clients’ future success.